
Catalonia Open Informació



September 6th & 7th, 2025

4 tournaments world ranked WDF
Calella - Barcelona, Catalonia

#CataloniaOpen2025  |  #FCDanniversary2025

Facebook: @FCDards.cat | X @FCDards | Instagram @FCDards | Youtube @FedCatDards

The registration will be open on april

More info about the next edition on 2025


Sponsorship possibilities
To organize the Catalonia Open Darts succesfully, sponsorships are very important. In exchange for sponsorship, we offer sponsorpartners several opportunities to present themsleves during the Catalonia Open Darts.
The Catalonia Open Darts has several sponsor opportunities to offer. We can make tailored packages, depending on the preferences of our partner.  Feel free to contact us and to hear about the different sponsorship opportunities.

Contact: Josep M Salvadó (Tito) premsa@dardscatalunya.cat

Darts Week & Sun
Every year on Saturday before the Catalonia Open, starts the Catalunya Open International Darts a week of competitions combining darts and free time in Calella. A perfect warm-up for the double date of the weekend and a excellent plain for familys and friends. The programming of individual competitions, couples and triplets, both male, female and mixed, allowing to have competitions of darts for the whole family and for those who seek a good atmosphere of darts and leisure at the same time.

The final with the Catalonia Open Darts and the FCD Anniversary Open, two rankings for the WDF ranking. Don't miss the event.

A week with Darts competitions: singles, pairs, blind pair, mixed... "Catalunya International Open Week". An excelent combination of darts and spare time to enjoy the sun. More info catalunyainternationaldarts.eu



Com cada any el dissabte anterior al Catalonia Open s'inicia el Catalunya Open International Darts una setmana de competicions que combina dards i temps lliure a Calella. L'aposta és molt familiar i alhora un perfecte escalfament per a la doble cita del cap de setmana.
La programació de competicions individuals, parelles i tripletes, tant masculines, femenines i mixtes, permetent tenir competicions de dards per a tota la família i per als que busquen un bon ambient.

El colofó final amb el Catalonia Open Darts i el FCD Anniversary Open, dos puntuables per al rànquing mundial WDF,un excel·lent reclam per no perdre l'esdeveniment.

Possibilitats de patrocini
Per organitzar amb èxit el Catalonia Open Darts, els patrocinis són molt importants. A canvi oferim a patrocinadors diverses oportunitats de presentar-se durant el Open Darts de Catalunya.
El Catalonia Open Darts ofereix diverses opcions de patrocini. Podem fer paquets a mida, segons les vostres preferències. No dubteu a contactar amb nosaltres i conèixer les diferents oportunitats de patrocini.

Contact:  Josep M Salvadó (Tito) premsa@dardscatalunya.cat

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